新闻中心您的位置:网站首页 >新闻中心 > 受原材料上涨 泰莱华顿液氮罐杜瓦瓶订货价格上涨5%
受原材料上涨 泰莱华顿液氮罐杜瓦瓶订货价格上涨5%
更新时间:2017-11-30   点击次数:746次




“铝价格在过去12个月显著增加,”沃辛顿工业行业总Eric Smolenski说“虽然我们继续致力于通过高质量的产品和服务向客户提供价值,生产成本继续上升,我们必须相应地调整定价。”

Taylor-Wharton泰来华顿是美国历史zui悠久的,仍在运营的金属制品公司,其历史可以追溯到1742年。早期的产品包括有给乔治华盛顿*生产的炮弹; 美国登月宇航员背负设备中所用的罐体及管道。其生产厂部位于Alabama阿拉巴马州的Theodore西奥多。 CryoScience深冷科技部门早在1957就开始生产液氮生物深低温容器。经过一系列的技术发展和时间的检验,现在产品系列涵盖深低温气相/液相液氮存储罐,干式液氮运输罐,液氮杜瓦补充罐等所有行业需求类别。


Worthington Industries公司简介:

Worthington Industries (沃辛顿工业WI),总部在Ohio俄亥俄州的Columbus哥伦布。公司成立于1955年,发展却十分迅猛。现在是市值40亿美金的纽约上市公司 (NYSE WOR) 。是的平轧钢和压力容器等工业产品制造商,拥有上万名员工,5000多个客户,83个分支机构,遍布11个国家。


COLUMBUS, Ohio—Oct. 2, 2017—Worthington Industries today announced a price increase on all aluminum portable and forklift LPG cylinders. Prices will advance 5 percent effective with all new orders shipping on or after Nov. 1, 2017 or as contracts allow.

“Aluminum prices have increased significantly over the past 12 months,” said Eric Smolenski, general manager of the industrial products business for Worthington Industries. “While we continue to focus on providing value to our customers through our high quality products and services, production costs continue to escalate, and we must adjust pricing accordingly.”

About Worthington Industries

Worthington Industries is a leading global diversified metals manufacturing company with 2017 fiscal year sales of $3.0 billion.  Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, Worthington is North America's premier value-added steel processor providing customers with wide ranging capabilities, products and services for a variety of markets including automotive, construction and agriculture; a global leader in manufacturing pressure cylinders for propane, refrigerant, and industrial gases and for cryogenic applications, water well tanks for commercial and residential uses, CNG and LNG storage, transportation and alternative fuel tanks, oil & gas equipment, and consumer products for camping, grilling, hand torch solutions and helium balloon kits; and a manufacturer of operator cabs for heavy industrial equipment; laser welded blanks for light weighting applications; automotive racking solutions; and through joint ventures, complete ceiling grid solutions; automotive tooling and stampings; and steel framing for commercial construction.  Worthington employs approximay 11,000 people and operates 85 facilities in 11 countries.


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